Snafkins BL Studio
The best music experience in a quality space.
Snafkins BL Studioは、名古屋市千種区今池エリアにある音楽リハーサルスタジオ(旧:BLスタジオ今池)。老舗ライブハウスTHE BOTTOM LINEのビル5階。地下鉄「今池」駅3番出口目の前にあります。
「All for music (すべては音楽のため)」を理念として、音楽に集中できる快適な空間作り、バンドマン・ファーストなサービスを心がけます。
Snafkins BL Studio is a music rehearsal studio (formerly BL Studio Imaike) located in the Imaike area of Chikusa-ku, Nagoya City. It is located on the 5th floor of the building of the long-established live music club THE BOTTOM LINE. It is located right in front of Exit 3 of the Imaike Subway Station.
With the philosophy of "All for music," we strive to create a comfortable space where you can concentrate on your music and provide band members-first service.
ご予約やお問い合わせは、Snafkins BL Studio公式LINEからが便利です。
Reservations and inquiries can be made through the official Snafkins BL Studio LINE.
Please add us as a friend so that we can keep you up-to-date with the latest news and special offers.
*For same-day reservations, please contact us through the official LINE.
Non-membership studio
Snafkins BL Studioは、非会員制スタジオ。入会手続きや更新料はありません。どなたでもお気軽にご利用いただけます。予約が入っていない時間帯は閉めておりますので事前予約をお願いします。
Snafkins BL Studio is a non-membership studio. There is no admission procedure or renewal fee. Anyone is welcome to use the studio. Please make reservations in advance as we are closed during non-booking hours.
6 rooms in all with attention to detail
Snafkins BL Studioは全6部屋。バンド練習、個人練習、レッスンなど利用目的や人数に合わせてご利用ください。アップライトピアノ常設の部屋もございます。
Snafkins BL Studio has a total of 6 rooms. Band practice, private practice, lessons, etc., depending on the purpose of use and the number of people in your group. There is also a room with a permanent upright piano.
Rental Instruments
In addition to our permanent instruments, we have many rental instruments available, including guitars, basses, keyboards, and percussion. Please request the number of microphones and rental instruments when you make a studio reservation.